
Responsive Schedule For WordPress

Example 1. Timetable with filtering by event, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are days of the week, one hour measure, first hours column shown with no ending hour, type 1 event block layout, 12 hour time format and clickable events.

[tt_timetable event=’body-building,boxing,cardio-fitness,crossfit,open-gym,zumba’ columns=’sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday’ time_format=’g:i a’]

Example 2. Timetable with filtering by category, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are different locations, quarter hour measure, first hours column shown with no ending hour, type 1 event block layout, 24 hour time format, custom CSS for event header and non-clickable events.

[tt_timetable event_category=’bar,display,panel,performance,registration,screening’ columns=’reception,floor-2,lounge-bar,floor-4,speakers-room,campus-green’ measure=’0.25′ filter_kind=’event_category’ time_format=’H:i’ box_bg_color=’96235B’ filter_color=’353C40′ disable_event_url=’1′ custom_css=’.tt_timetable .event .event_header {font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;}’]

Example 3. Timetable with filtering by event, tabs for filtering, columns are selected days of the week, one hour measure, first hours column hidden, rows without events hidden, type 3 event block layout, 12 hour time with custom separator and clickable events.

[tt_timetable event=’power-fitness,martial-arts,body-works’ columns=’monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,saturday’ filter_style=’tabs’ time_format=’g.i a’ hide_hours_column=’1′ event_layout=’3′ box_bg_color=’e75d5d’ box_hover_bg_color=’e03131′ filter_color=’e75d5d’ hide_empty=’1′ text_align=’left’]

Example 4. Timetable with filtering by category, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are different locations, half hour measure, first hours column hidden, type 4 event block layout with no ending hour, 24 hour time format, different font for table, custom CSS for event hour and non-clickable events.

[tt_timetable event_category=’action,animation,catering,comedy,concert,horror,thriller’ columns=’bay-plaza-cinema,lakewood-cinema,north-park-theatre,old-capitol-arts,music-hall’ measure=’0.5′ filter_kind=’event_category’ time_format=’H:i’ hide_hours_column=’1′ show_end_hour=’1′ event_layout=’4′ box_bg_color=’DF4432′ box_hover_bg_color=’DF4432′ filter_color=’DF4432′ disable_event_url=’1′ row_height=’40’ font=’Open Sans:regular’ font_subset=’latin-ext’ custom_css=’.tt_timetable .hours {font-weight:400;font-size:24px;}’]

Example 5. Timetable with filtering by event, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are days of the week, one hour measure, first hours column shown with ending hour, type 3 event block layout, 24 hour time format and non-clickable events.

[tt_timetable event=’cardio-fitness,open-gym,body-building,zumba,boxing,crossfit’ columns=’sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday’ show_end_hour=’1′ event_layout=’3′ box_bg_color=’3156A3′ box_hover_bg_color=’42B3E5′ box_hours_txt_color=’A6C3FF’ filter_color=’3156A3′ disable_event_url=’1′ text_align=’left’]
About Us

ITM Global School was founded in a beautiful lush green picturesque environment of National Highway 75, Turari, Jhansi Road, Gwalior in the year 2014. It is the first school in Gwalior which offers both National and International Curricula. It is administered by SLS Trust, Gwalior and therefore it is a sister concern of ITM Group.

Contact Us

NH-44, Turari, Gwalior
Email: info@itmglobal.in
Voice: +91-7773005091

For Admissions:
Email: admission@itmglobal.in
Voice: +91-7773005036, +91-9770900270, +91-7773004634


ITM Global School Gwalior has no connection with any other School with the similar name anywhere else in India.

ITM Global School Gwalior is an unitary campus institution and do not offer any affiliation. The Global School is fully compliant with the Act and the Statutes and is functioning under the framework of all regulatory bodies.

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