What is ITMGS

Student Group Photograph ITM GLobal School

ITMGS promotes holistic growth through pastoral care and support.


ITMGS is based on the belief that, to ensure the “total” development of each student, the most effective system is one which focuses on Pastoral Care. Since all aspects of a student’s development – physical, emotional, spiritual, social and intellectual – are inter-related and inter-dependent, it is not feasible for teachers to confine their interest in students to the purely academic if personal growth is to be maximized.

It is the responsibility of all teachers to come to know students in the widest sense and to establish a classroom atmosphere which encourages growth, self discipline and the acceptance of personal accountability.

The formulation and implementation of special programs of pastoral care are designed to foster the personal growth of the students and complement this fundamental principle of care.

Each member of staff is expected to understand the responsibility he or she has to provide this level of care and support for the students, provide the widest possible education for the students, and inculcate in them the values and high standards espoused by the school.

Pastoral Care at the school is regarded as part of every teacher’s and teacher-aide’s daily interaction with students. This involves setting up a warm and accepting environment in which children feel safe and happy.

It involves modeling appropriate behavior and attitudes, and encouraging increasingly mature and responsible personal and social growth in students. Cognitive development takes place within this framework.

About Us

ITM Global School was founded in a beautiful lush green picturesque environment of National Highway 75, Turari, Jhansi Road, Gwalior in the year 2014. It is the first school in Gwalior which offers both National and International Curricula. It is administered by SLS Trust, Gwalior and therefore it is a sister concern of ITM Group.

Contact Us

NH-44, Turari, Gwalior
Email: info@itmglobal.in
Voice: +91-7773005091

For Admissions:
Email: admission@itmglobal.in
Voice: +91-7773005036, +91-9770900270, +91-7773004634


ITM Global School Gwalior has no connection with any other School with the similar name anywhere else in India.

ITM Global School Gwalior is an unitary campus institution and do not offer any affiliation. The Global School is fully compliant with the Act and the Statutes and is functioning under the framework of all regulatory bodies.

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