
The ITM Global School Preparing the Students for the Future

The ITM Global School Preparing the Students for the Future

ITM Global School

It is essential for a School of our times to prepare students with skill sets and  mindset that is commensurate with the needs of the 21st Century – to imbibe a  vision and methodology that instills critical and logical thinking, problem solving ability, and application of the knowledge gained. And much of these  need to be imparted through enjoyable activity-based learning.

ITM Global School, Gwalior focusses on developing the 4C’s, viz. Critical  Thinking, Creativity, Communication and Collaboration. Critical thinking is the  intellectually disciplined process of actively and skill-fully conceptualising,  applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information.

These might  be gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection,  reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary  form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter  divisions: in clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound  evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. Thus, enhancing these  logical skills help the students keep pace with the shifting scenario of  knowledge and skills, irrespective of the transcendence of time.

At ITM Global School, Gwalior various Workshops, Symposiums and Lectures  are conducted for developing curiosity among the students: to know more, to  explore, and to research. Innovation being the key to adaptability, learning  creativity as a skill requires the need to understand that the way things have  always been done sometimes needs to be changed.

A balanced development in body and spirit can only happen through adequate  physical activity and absorbing values that nurture character. The spacious  outlay of the ITM Global School, on a verdant green campus spread out on the  foothills of the Vindhyachal Range, with multiple playing fields, pools, courts  and indoor arenas provide the very motivation needed for being physically  active. Even a stable of bred horses is maintained for equestrian.

The modern age being the age of IT, all students at ITM Global School,  Gwalior are taught using Smart Audio-Visual inputs in every classroom.  Various other platforms that impart hands-on learning involve the Robotics  Labs, the Language Labs, the Maths and Geography Labs, besides the regular  Science Labs.

Running an International curriculum provides a broad liberal exposure to our  students. ITM Global School, Gwalior makes use of STEAM instead of STEM.  Arts education is given utmost emphasis. The School boasts several Studios for  Dance, Fine Arts and Music.

Visual and performing artists from all over India  and abroad are regularly invited to the school. The students thus get a chance to  interact with them and learn from them. The students also get to exhibit their  talent through art exhibitions, competitions and performances. Pottery and  wood work, besides painting, crafting, sculpting and etching hone the creative  juices of the young minds.

The 21st Century skills involve Learning skills, Literacy skills and Life skills.  Human life being often full of uncertainty and challenges, as the pandemic has  recently proved, one of the most important life skills that students must learn is  the problem-solving skill. It is an essential skill which helps them to identify the  nature of a problem, and further define, examine, and act on it. When students  at ITM Global School solve problems, individually or in a group, they learn to  look at the problems from a different perspective.

Career Counseling sessions are conducted every year at ITM Global School,  Gwalior, in order that the students are apprised of various courses available in  different institutions of higher studies within India and abroad. These  informative sessions and interactions also provide the students with the  expertise they need for growing professionally and leading. Such sessions also  help the students to know the pros and cons about their careers of interest, and  thus take a judicious decision.
ITM Global School, Gwalior believes in providing continued exposure for  creative and innovative activities spanning different subjects. National and  international tours are organised, and student exchanges carried out, which lead  to the students getting exposed to different ideas and multiple outlooks. These  ultimately help in developing their liberal world view and in bolstering their  confidence and personality.

Children often feel reluctant to go through the theoretical part of any subject.  However, learning can be made easy and interesting if the process of education  is performed through various relevant activities. Activity- based Learning at  ITM Global School is executed in practice through several activities not only  within the classrooms, but also without through the means of Sports, Music,  Arts, Lab Work, Gardening, and even through different Culinary methods.

Bringing these activities of different fields in simulation with education makes  the process of teaching-learning an artistic, innovative and interesting one.

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Ideal InfraStructure In A School: ITM Global School, Gwalior

Ideal InfraStructure In A School: ITM Global School, Gwalior

ITM Global School Gwalior

ITM Global School, Gwalior started its academic journey in the year 2014, but the roots of the ITM Group in the field of education goes deep down, and it covers the entire span from the pre-school to the doctoral level.
It is a leading school in the Gwalior-Chambal region, known for its location, lush green campus, plastic-free zone, calm and serene ambience, spacious outlay, excellent amenities, and visually appealing landscape.

The school has three beautiful buildings: the Le Montessory Block, the Jyotibha Phule Block and the Kabeer Block, each of them designed age-specifically and having manifestly distinct architectural style. The school retains its beauty due to the magnificent sculptures placed around the campus and the paintings hanging on the walls.

The location of the school has an enormous significance. It is situated at Jhansi Road, in Turari village away from the crowded city and in the midst of acres of cultivated land, sharing the common campus of ITM University. Apart from the concrete buildings, the campus has trees, plants and flowers that create a beautiful natural environment to study. The trees with their Botanical names help students to learn about the family and medicinal usage.

Buildings, classrooms, laboratories, and equipment- education infrastructure – are crucial elements of learning environments in schools and universities. There is strong evidence that high-quality infrastructure facilitates better instruction, improves student outcomes, and reduces dropout rates, among other benefits. One can’t deny how significant a school is in shaping up a student’s personality and holistic learning process. Infrastructure plays a vital role in creating a favourable environment for students’ holistic development.

Other than spacious and ventilated classrooms, the school has well equipped and suitably-designed laboratories for various subjects be it physics, chemistry, biology or home science for nurturing the scientific temperament in students. During pandemic, the school provided the facility of virtual lab and digital library for providing the students world class facility. The school has two separate libraries for primary students and high school students housing a wealth of useful books or informative and interesting video facilities, coupled with a motivating or mood-lifting ambiance not only attracts students but also develops a liking to study. It encourages exploring interesting things among students, especially in their formative years when the curiosity to know is intense among curious minds of children. Such places also serve as holding interactive sessions and exchanging knowledge among students, thereby enhancing students’ writing and reading skills. The school shares a common auditorium LDV (Leonardo da vinci block) equipped with the latest multimedia technology serve as an ideal platform to showcase not only students’ various performances but also be a good utility for conducting various educational programmes. An open Ampitheatre is also there in Kabeer Block, where morning assembly and other cultural programmes are conducted.

It is worth mentioning that school has produced many laureates at national and international level. Every child today views some or the other sports personality as his/ her ideal. Be it martial arts, floor ball, cricket or skating, students wish to learn something at school itself. Thus, availability of sports facilities, basketball courts, tennis courts, cricket pitch and skating rink of international standards and a separate building for indoor games are the sports facilities provided at ITM Global School, Gwalior.

Unlike traditional chalk and board methods, digital classrooms as medium of providing education are proving quite effective and visually attractive. While attracting audio-visual senses of students, digital classrooms have a better appeal among students.

Use of digital technology in education is steadily transforming whole concept of education delivery, making the very concept of ‘Show me and I understand’ a Reality.

With the use of interactive whiteboards, projectors, audio-visual room, Teach–Next and Wordsworth Lab for teaching pronunciation are some of the advanced methods based on computer technology are used in the school to make the teaching and learning are more interesting.

Digital libraries and e-books have facilitated access to a wealth of knowledge available online that can now be accessed with the help of a mobile phone, tablet or laptop, anywhere, anytime, with an Internet connection.

LMS (Learning Module System) is such an online platform which is available 24 hours a day, keeps parents up-to-date with their children’s activities and progress, and also in touch with the teachers concerned. Introduction of such software facilitates the teacher-student communication, because it makes it easy for the teachers to see on their computers what the students are doing on their devices, or share their screen with them and vice versa. To update the parents of what is being taught in the school an E-diary (almanac) is also shared with the students which will remind them of their assignments.

Certainly it’s an established fact that that a school with good infrastructure goes a long way in improving the interest of both – students and teachers alike in learning. It plays a role in improving the attendance of students too. For this same reason, it can be said that investments in school infrastructure play an enabling role in solving many access-related problems of students to the school system, thereby giving boost to their academic performance too.

All these facilities make ITM Global School unique in many ways. It has world class infrastructure which helps it to run an International curriculum.

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ITM Global School, Gwalior Student Became The First Player From Gwalior To Play Wimbledon

badminton cort

ITM Global School, Gwalior Tennis Player Mr Ayushman Became The First Player From Gwalior To Play Wimbledon.

#BestSchoolGwalior #MPSchool #IndiaSchool #CBSE

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Model United Nations 2021 Conference at ITM Global School, Gwalior

A Model United Nations (MUN) conference is to be conducted at ITM Global School, Gwalior from 27th to 30th January. The conference will simulate the proceedings of a United Nations Conference with numerous learning opportunities for the students. It will hone the speaking, debating and writing skills in addition to critical thinking, teamwork and leadership abilities of the students. With a host of topics to choose from, the workshop will enable the students to develop deeper understanding of current world issues.

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Amazing dance performance by Kids of ITM Global School, Gwalior during Ganesh Chaturthi 2021

Amazing dance performance by Kids of ITM Global School, Gwalior during Ganesh Chaturthi 2021. ITM Global School, A CBSE & Cambridge affiliated School in Gwalior, MP.

#GaneshChaturthi #ITMGwaliorKids #ITMSchoolKids #ITMGlobalSchool #SchoolGwalior

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Model United Nations 2019 at Best CBSE School of Gwalior

Model United Nations 2019 Conference at ITM Global School, Gwalior ! We at ITM Global nurture the exchange of ideas and promote argumentative intent among our students. In this sequence, ITM Global School is overwhelmed to organise ITM Global School-Model United Nations(ITMGS-MUN).

#ModelUnitedNations #BestSchool #BestCBSE

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Gandhi Jayanti Celebration at Best School in Gwalior, ITM Global School Gwalior

gandhi jayanti

Happy Gandhi Jayanti!
Gandhi Jayanti Celebration at Best School in Gwalior, ITM Global School Gwalior. Mahatma Gandhi was not just a legend but a man beyond his time. His birthday is celebrated every year on the 2nd of October at Best CBSE School in Gwalior ITM Global School .

Best School in Gwalior

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Online Conference at Best School of Gwalior, Model United Nations 2021 at ITM Global School, Gwalior

mun 2021

Online Conference at Best School of Gwalior, Model United Nations 2021 at ITM Global School, Gwalior

#onlineConference #modelunitednation #mun

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Annual function at Best School with International Curriculum, ITM Global School, Gwalior (Part 1)

students performence on stage

Excelsior 2021- Annual Function : MRIGNAYNI- Ek Pyaari Chambalgatha At the heart of India stands the geographical and cultural region of Chambal. Its rolling hillocks and

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Annual function at Best CBSE School with International Curriculum, ITM Global School (Part 2)

best school

Excelsior 2021- Annual Function : MRIGNAYNI- Ek Pyaari Chambalgatha At the heart of India stands the geographical and cultural region of Chambal. Its rolling hillocks and

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